Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sculpture Park!!!

Playground/Sculpture Park  Paper Sculpture
Easy super duper-fun for all!

Go to Storm King, MOMA Sculpture Garden, Socrates Sculpture Park or even to your local playground for inspiration.  

Materials: Glue sticks, Scissors, Construction Paper, Tissue Paper 

Day 1

Pre cut strips of paper.  Easiest option is get 8.5 x 11 paper and use a paper cutter to slice them into 1 inch wide strips the short way.   Keep these as the standard. Once comfortable-give them odd sizes.
I like glue sticks the best.  Roll them no higher than you would roll up chapstick.  Ask why?  You need to talk a lot about how the glue only goes at the bottom of the foot.  
Explain 2-3 ways to make and glue your first 2-3 sculptures to the base (piece of paper) I give out 1 strip at a time to start.  Teaching kids how to make these basic sculptures out of strips is the first and most empowering step.
Always make feet so your sculpture can stand. Just put a little glue on the bottom of each foot and hold down and count to ten. "Sculptures need feet just like people."
Limit choices. Let them master making a curve, a triangle and a zigzag. 
Ask them then to make one up,  
Speak slowly. Have them repeat directions back to you.
Start the sculpture!
Talk about the work!

Day 2
Share a couple more 'tricks'

Pattern: draw patterns on paper strips before turning them into sculptures! 

Cut strips into squares and rectangles (shape) and create a pathway along the ground/make stepping stones

Bring along little squares of tissue paper to mush  into little balls to create garden elements such as flowers.

Create a 'label' and an artist statement!

Exhibit your work!!!!